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Our subscription plans

Choose the plan that fits your needs.



Up to 500 Mb storage

Get access to:

1 property profile

500 Mb storage

5 AI document extraction and classification

Personal agenda syncing

Auto-upload by email

AI expense extraction & classification

& more

Most popular



Up to 5 Gb storage

Get all features in Lite, plus:

2 property profiles

Up to 5 Gb storage

10 AI document extraction and classification

1 collaborator invite

2 bank accounts sync for expense tracking

Multi-currency support

& more



Up to 20 Gb storage

Get all features in Essential, plus:

3 property profiles

Up to 20 Gb storage

25 AI document extraction and classification

5 collaborator invite

3 bank accounts sync for expense tracking

& more

Compare all plans

Find out the specific features associated to our different plans.

Slide for details








Properties 1 2 3
Storage 500 Mb 5 Gb 20 Gb
Invite collaborators - 1 5


Send documents by email
All document extraction & classification
Sync to personal agenda


Reminders AI extraction & classification
Sync to personal agenda

Expense tracking

AI expenses extraction & classification
Automatically import Home Expenses from bank feeds -
Multi-currency -

Tips & tricks

General tips & tricks
Personalized content (coming soon)


Notifications center
Reminders emails
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Tell us a bit more about yourself to get a second chance to win a $500 Home Depot gift card.